The churches in the ARCH Benefice hold a wide variety of Sunday services, ranging from traditional early-morning said Book of Common Prayer (BCP) communion, through mid-morning Common Worship Communion Services (some with sung responses) to Celtic-style morning and evening worship inspired by the worship celebrated at Iona Abbey. We also include a regular pattern of Taizé and healing services to enrich our means of meeting with God, and once a month we have family, or all-age, services at most of our churches.
All services, apart from the "said" communions include hymns, usually organ- or piano-led but with the occasional use of a gifted band of musicians led by guitar and violin.
On a 5th Sunday we have joint Benefice services which each church in turn acts as host and sets the theme of the service. We involve all the churches in these services so that is a real sense of shared worship. We always have refreshments to follow these services.
Every Wednesday there is a mid-week spoken BCP Holy Communion service at St James', Harvington.